Utah - Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use Stage 3 Information for Eligible Providers
The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) supports submission of syndromic surveillance data for Promoting Interoperability (MU/PI) from
hospitals and eligible professionals (EPs) and is ready to accept syndromic surveillance data from
hospitals, emergency departments, urgent care, and primary ambulatory care settings. However, the UDOH
is not accepting syndromic surveillance data from some eligible professional types. Please see the list of these eligible provider/professional types that
qualify for an exclusion/exemption (updated January 30, 2019) and need not submit syndromic surveillance data to the UDOH
nor register their intent for Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use Stage 3.
In 2019, this webpage uses the term Meaningful Use interchangeably with Promoting Interoperability because Meaningful Use is transitioning to Medicaid Promoting
Interoperability. The name change does not affect the activities for the objective to public health reporting with the measure for syndromic surveillance.
Complete the steps below to register for and attest for Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use Stage 3 (SySMU3).
When registering, Hospitals and EPs will need to submit the following information:
- Name, address, and phone number.
- Submitter name and email (this is the Meaningful Use contact person for the hospital/EP). The submitter is the individual that will receive all correspondence regarding the syndromic surveillance MU process from the UDOH.
- EHR software package and version. EHR technologies that meet the certification requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs are listed on the ONC Website. NOTE: Meaningful Use certification does NOT imply that the product meets all Meaningful Use requirements. If your software is not listed, it may not qualify for Meaningful Use. For additional questions regarding ONC approved software, please contact CMS.
Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use Stage 3 Objective:
Hospitals and eligible providers/healthcare professionals (EP) must work towards ongoing submission of electronic syndromic surveillance data in a validated syndromic surveillance HL7 ADT 2.5.1 message to the Utah Department of Health. Validated message must meet the most recent PHIN Implementation Guide standards for syndromic surveillance reporting:
- PHIN Messaging Guide for Syndromic Surveillance: Emergency Department, Urgent Care, Inpatient and Ambulatory Care Settings, Release 2.0 (April, 2015)
- Erratum to the PHIN Messaging Guide for Syndromic Surveillance: Emergency Department, Urgent Care, Inpatient and Ambulatory Care Settings, Release 2.0 April 21, 2015
- PHIN 2.0 Implementation Guide Meaningful Use Clarifying Document
Please also refer to Utah's Syndromic Surveillance HL7 ADT 2.5.1 Message Implementation Guide for Stage 2 MU
Syndromic Surveillance MU Stage 3 Steps:
- Complete the UDOH MU Registration Form.
- Validate HL7 ADT 2.5.1 message structure and content with the UDOH Syndromic Surveillance MU program. Test messages can be submitted by using the Online Message Submission Form.
- Work with the UDOH Syndromic Surveillance MU program to set up a transmission interface to submit ongoing electronic syndromic surveillance data to the UDOH. Options include: SFTP, APHL Informatics Messaging Service (AIMS) Platform Route-not-Read, and Utah Health Information Network (UHIN) Clinical Health Information Exchange (cHIE).
- SySMU3 attestation will be complete, once the hospital/EP is submitting ongoing validated syndromic surveillance data to the UDOH.
- Upon completing SySMU3 attestation, the UDOH will send the hospital/EP a SySMU3 memo stating the hospital/EP has met the SySMU3 requirements of ongoing submission of syndromic surveillance data to the UDOH and is in “Active Engagement-Production”.
UDOH MU Syndromic Surveillance Contact
If you have questions please contact:
Disease Control & Prevention Informatics Program
Meaningful Use Resources
- Meaningful Use Regulation
- Utah's Medicaid Health Information Technology (HIT) Program
- PHIN (Public Health Information Network) Syndromic Surveillance Message Implementation Guides
- Public Health Information Network's Message Quality Framework (MQF)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Syndromic Surveillance HL7 V2 Validation Tool