Utah - Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) Meaningful Use Stage 3 Information for Eligible Providers
The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) supports submission of Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) for Meaningful Use (MU) from
Eligible Hospitals (EH) and Critical Access Hospitals (CAH). NOTE: While not part of Meaningful Use for non-hospital providers,
the UDOH can work with any provider that wants to implement eCR to help automate/facilitate the reporting of reportable infectious diseases via eCR.
To register intent for eCR MU Stage 3 complete the UDOH MU Registration Form. When registering, EH's and CAH's will need to submit the following information:
- Name, address, and phone number of the EH or CAH.
- The EH's/CAH's MU contact person and contact information (name, phone number and email address). This will be the person that the eCR MU Coordinator with UDOH will communicate with regarding eCR MU.
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) software package and version. EHR technologies that meet the certification requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs are listed on the ONC Website. NOTE: Meaningful Use certification does NOT imply that the product meets all Meaningful Use requirements. If your software is not listed, it may not qualify for Meaningful Use. For additional questions regarding ONC approved software, please contact CMS.
Digital Bridge
UDOH is working with the Digital Bridge initiative to implement an electronic case reporting approach for nationwide interoperability, and enhanced delivery of effective disease control and patient care practices. To learn more about the Digital Bridge, and the electronic case reporting specifications developing through the Digital Bridge partnership see:
- http://www.digitalbridge.us/about/ - Overview of the Digital Bridge initiative
- http://www.digitalbridge.us/resources/ - Business and technical specifications for eCR developed by Digital Bridge
eCR Meaningful Use Stage 3 Objective:
Requirements from the ONC 2015 CEHRT RULE: 45 CFR Part 170 2015 Edition Health Information Technology (Health IT) Certification Criteria, 2015 Edition Base Electronic Health Record (EHR) Definition, and ONC Health IT Certification Program Modifications; Final Rule
2015 Edition Health IT Certification Criterion § 170.315(f)(5) (Transmission to public health agencies–electronic case reporting), page 62667
“To meet this certification criterion, a Health IT Module must be able to
- (1) consume and maintain a table of trigger codes to determine which encounters should initiate an initial case report being sent to public health to determine reportability; and
- (2) when a trigger is matched, create an initial case report that includes specific data (Common Clinical Data Set; encounter diagnoses; provider name, office contact information, and reason for visit, and an identifier representing the row and version of the trigger table that triggered the case report).”
eCR MU Stage 3 Steps:
Complete the UDOH MU Registration Form to register intent for eCR MU Stage 3 with the UDOH. Currently, all facilities that register for eCR MU Stage 3 will be immediately expected to begin “active engagement”. The basic steps of “active engagement” are:
- Set up a transmission interface. Work with the UDOH eCR MU Program to set up a transmission interface for submitting ongoing eCR data to the UDOH. Options include: SFTP, Digital Bridge/APHL Informatics Messaging Service (AIMS) Platform, and Utah Health Information Network (UHIN) Clinical Health Information Exchange (cHIE).
- Generate and send a compliant HL7 CDA® R2 message to the UDOH from your EHR system via your transmission interface.
- Initiate an ongoing live data feed from your EHR system. This feed will be sent to the UDOH testing system until the feed is ready for production.
- Send all vocabulary value sets that are in use and sent in your ongoing feed.
- Fix all structural and vocabulary issues with the message as per requests from the UDOH eCR onboarding team.
- Review the List of Reportable Conditions to identify all events that are reportable in Utah.
During this onboarding process, all facilities are expected to cc the eCR coordinator on all written correspondence. All facilities must respond to requests and questions from UDOH within 30 days throughout the onboarding process.
The process of onboarding a facility to production eCR can take several months to complete. It is expected that the facility will continue to maintain a manual reporting feed throughout the onboarding process and beyond, until the UDOH can do a QA check to validate the eCR matches the manual reporting feed.
The hospital will be notified by the UDOH when they can turn off their manual reporting feed.
UDOH Electronic Case Reporting Contact
Disease Control & Prevention Informatics Program