The information provided by this lookup tool does not guarantee reimbursement, but is intended to provide coverage information for selected diagnosis codes as of the date specified in the search results. For additional information regarding specific billing requirements and coverage not managed in this lookup tool, please consult the Medicaid Provider Manuals or contact us.

The “emergency” designation is based on the principal diagnosis (ICD-9/ICD-10 Codes) being on the list downloaded for a selected date of service.

Note: This is not a list of diagnoses payable under the Emergency Services Program for Non-Citizens. For information relating to that program, please refer to the Emergency Services Program for Non-Citizens subsection of the Section I (All Providers) provider manual.

Utah Medicaid Table of Authorized Emergency Department Diagnoses:

Please select the appropriate Date of Service and click on the download button below to generate a comma separated (csv) file for download.

* CSV files can be opened using Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs.